Monday, May 28, 2007

Since I have finished typing ' Breaking The Link' , it's a good idea to start typing the profound Dhammas preached by Achaan Chah. His witty ways of teaching directly pointed to the Dhamma which the meditators need to reach certain Magga and Phala stage. Hope the readers may find them useful too. This book is written under 4 parts and under various sub-titles. So I will compile them part by part.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Loving kindness or mettā is one of the four subjects of meditation called Brahma-vihāra, Divine Abidings. The practice of this meditation is explained in detail in Visuddhimagga. Those who want to practice this meditation seriously should follow the instructions given in that book. The practice given here is for those who want to practice it as one item in their daily spiritual practice.

Loving kindness or rather mettā is defined as that 'which is solvent, which adheres'. It can be likened to oil which people put in the engines. Nobody will drive his or her car if there is no engine-oil in it for fear that the car may be damaged, but seldom do people remember to put the oil of mettā in their relationships with other people; no wonder there is so much friction, so much abrasion in human relationships. If only people could put just a small amount of mettā in their relationships, a lot of unnecessary anger, hate, grudge, resentment and other undersirable results could have been avoided. Moreover, the practice of mettā can give us eleven benefits as declared by the Buddha:

1. One sleeps in comfort.
2. One wakes in comfort.
3. One has no evil dreams.
4. One is dear to human beings.
5. One is dear to non-human beings.
6. One is protected by deities.
7. Fire, poison and weapons cannot hurt him.
8. One's mind is easily concentrated.
9. The expression of one's face is serene.
10. One dies unconfused.
11. If one does not penetrate any higher, one will be reborn in the Brahma World.

To enjoy these benifits too we should practice loving-kindness.

The Practice of Loving-Kindness

By way of Location:

May I
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings in this house
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings in this area
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings in this city
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings in this country
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings in this world
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings in this universe
be well, happy and peaceful.
May all beings
be well, happy and peaceful.

By way of Persons:

May I
be well, happy and peaceful
May my teachers
be well, happy and peaceful
May my relatives
be well, happy and peaceful
May my freinds
be well, happy and peaceful
May the indifferent persons
be well, happy and peaceful
May the unfriendly persons
be well, happy and peaceful
May all meditators
be well, happy and peaceful
May all beings
be well, happy and peaceful

May suffering ones be suffering-free
And the fear-struck fearless be
May the grieving shed all grief
And all beings find relief

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

  • Since tomorrow is Wesak Day, and as I never posted any suttas before, it is time to do so.
  • I haven't finished typing Breaking the Link -By Sayadaw U Jotika. Will try my best to complete it before May.
  • May the viewers of this blog be well and happy. Happy Wesak Day.
Mangala Sutta
(Discourse on Auspicious Blessing)

Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi in Jeta’s Grove of Anathapindikasa’s Park. (monastery)

Then a certain devata, in the night’s last extreme, whose extreme brilliance lighted up the whole Jeta’s Grove, approached the Exalted One, having approached the Exalted One and revered him, he stood to one side, standing there to one side that devata addressed the Exalted one in verses:

Many devas and men,
Have pondered on blessings
Longing for safety
Tell them the highest blessing

1. Not to consort with fools,
With the wise to consort
And to honour the honourable
This is the highest blessing.

2. Living in befitting places,
In the past to have made merits (punna)
And with oneself rightly guided,
This is the highest blessing.

3. Ample learning and handicraft,
Being well trained in discipline
And that speech which is well spoken,
This is the highest blessing.

4. Support of mother and father,
Cherishing of wife and children
And ways of work without conflict,
This is the highest blessing.

5. Giving and conduct according to the Dhamma
And help for relatives,
With unobstructive kamma
This is the highest blessing.

6. Shrinking abstinence from evil,
Refraining from intoxicants,
Heedfulness in all that is Dhamma,
This is the highest blessing.

7. Respectfulness and humility,
Contentment and gratitude,
The timely hearing of the Dhamma
This is the highest blessing.

8. Patience and meekness when corrected
And sight of samanass,
Timely discussion of Dhamma,
This is the highest blessing.

9. Ardent effort, the divine life leading,
Insight into the Noble Truths,
And the realization of Nibbana,
This is the highest blessing.

10. Though in contact with worldly Dhammas,
Yet his mind is not shaken,
Griefless, dustless, secure,
This is the highest blessing.

11. Since by doing such things
As these (men) are everywhere unvanquished
And go everywhere in safety
This is the highest blessing.